(289) 834-3511 [email protected]

Expand your thinking – look outside of Canadian (or American, European, etc.) Safety Laws/Methods/Training

As safety professionals we tend to know our own federal/provincial/state safety requirements quite well – in my opinion maybe too well.

As an Ontario-based worker – I learned why a performance-based system is the best approach…as I started to work in the States I was forced to review OSHA requirements and learned why a prescriptive system was best…I’m currently reviewing some UK-based legislation and am learning why they believed a Robens-style system was what they needed to improve safety performance.

My point? Each has its merits and we’d be foolish not to consider that perhaps another country’s point of view might be better than our own – take a few minutes in your day and research someone else’s safety approach – you just might be surprised at what you’ll learn.